Praise for the Book — Read what Trust Leaders are saying about Time to Trust...


"Finding common ground on sustainable solutions is increasingly difficult in a time of partisanship and decreasing trust.   In Time to Trust, Mark Coleman provides a compelling case for individuals and corporations to break established habits that reinforce distrust, and instead take responsibility for building lasting and resilient trust necessary for a sustainable future."

- John Lovenburg, Environmental Vice President, BNSF Railway


"Trust is foundational to collaboration. And collaboration is essential to tackle the complex environmental, economic and social challenges in the 21st century. Polarization and the mindset that you win by making others lose creates gridlock at best and undermines our ability to inspire solutions based efforts. Mark’s call for action to build and invest in trust-based relationships across diverse interests is timely and powerful."

- Gordon Lambert, Executive Advisor Sustainability and Innovation, Suncor Energy Inc.


"Horace Mann, founder of Antioch College, said to the first graduating class in 1859, 'Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.' There is no challenge greater than winning a sustainable future for humanity. Today, Antioch University remains steadfast in our fidelity to inspire and enable our graduates to win victories for humanity. Mark Coleman's Time to Trust inspires all of us to translate our personal responsibility toward mobilizing all of humanity in service to that end." 

- Stephen B. Jones, PhD, President of Antioch University New England (AUNE) 


 "Anyone wanting to build a high-trust organization must start by looking in the mirror. Personal character is foundational for interpersonal trust. And organizations in which leaders have integrity stand a much better chance of building trust from the top down, and bottom up." 

- Joel Peterson, Chairman JetBlue Airways


"In this age of abundant information, the integrity of humanity has never been so at risk. Mark Coleman eloquently explains the need to restore authenticity and transparency to sustain not only our earth’s resources but also our connection to each other. Time to Trust presents phenomenal insight as to what it will take to create a positively engaged generation of problem-solvers."

- Britt Hysen, Editor-in-Chief of MiLLENNiAL Magazine


"Trust is at the core of how we should design products and operate organizations."

- Jim Fruchterman, President & CEO, Chairman of the Board, Benetech


"We are at an epochal moment of change. The most dangerous words any leader can utter these days are 'we are going to do things the way we have always done them'. That simply is no longer going to work. Our familiar institutions are crumbling and, as we build new ones, we need to rely on each other even more. We are jumping off a cliff into a whole new world and trust is all we have to determine whether we land softly together into a new world or by ourselves into an abyss. Mark Coleman outlines the foundations for building most human of all needs: mutual trust."

- John Zogby, Founder, The Zogby Poll


"Developing and maintaining trust will be essential as we attempt to balance the world’s growing resource needs with the necessity of economic and social justice and the survival of the ecosystems on which life depends. Before this trust may be achieved, key issues such as the information asymmetry between those making development decisions and those who are affected by them must be addressed. Mark Coleman’s book is a thoughtful reflection on this and many other factors that influence the establishment and growth of trust."

 - Paul Bugala, Senior Sustainability Analyst, Calvert Investments


"Trust is the foundation of relationships … Mark Coleman does an outstanding job of outlining what trust means to us as a society, as parents, as marriage mates, and as co-workers.  Without trust, we are all doomed to fail – we have seen that countless times throughout history and today.  With trust, humanity has an opportunity to rebuild itself into a sustainable civilization driven by uncompromising morals and respect for each other."

 - Erica Hernandez Cornier


"Trust can be lost quickly. Once lost, trust is difficult to recover. Trust has to be earned and does not come easy."

- Max Kunz, CEO, Volpi Group


"From leadership to brands, from society to marriage, Mark explores what it takes to trust, what breaks trust and what makes trust. After reading his book, I feel strengthened in my abilities to encourage trust from others and how to see the warning signs when trust is waning."  

- Robert Braathe, MBA, Founder of Braathe Enterprises, Teacher and Trainer of Business and Entrepreneurship,

2015 silver medal winner, "Business Ethics" category, Axiom Business Books Awards

2015 silver medal winner, "Business Ethics" category, Axiom Business Books Awards